This morning FB showed me this picture that I posted exactly 3 years ago today & to my surprise, what I was declaring then are the same things I still declare every day now! My declarations have been:
1. I live in the fullness of God, I don't need for anything, I don't want for anything, nothing is missing, all is well.
2. Every day I increase in favor with both God & man.
3. I walk in freedom for I have devoted myself to God's commandments (Psalms 119:34)
When I look at my I see the results of MY WORDS. Being a single woman supporting herself is not always easy, but for the last 12 years that I've lived in CA, I havent missed a rent payment, a car payment, the lights stay on, hair & nails stay done, insurance & gym memberships stay paid, groceries stay in the fridge. I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten my wallet & still came home with whatever I left the house for ...or when I locked myself out of the car & called AAA (with no AAA membership) and they came to the rescue - & REFUSED to charge me! The list goes on of examples of the favor, provision & freedom I declare I have coming to life. So... seeing how what I say works, I have recently added 2 NEW declarations:
4. I am happily married & my husband is AMAZING!
5. I have multiple streams of income & more clients than I can handle!