Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Umm, Was That Your Idea of Asking Me Out?

Now let me start by saying, I don't date much...scratch that... I don't date at all lately.  Partially because I'm more focused on my career right now than I've ever been, but the second reason is  because men simply don't ask me out very often.  Oh they compliment, they flirt, sometimes they even stutter and stammer and find any excuse to talk to me about nothing... but they rarely just go for the gold and ask me out.  So my point is, I may be just a little rusty when it comes to the dating scene, which is why I feel compelled to pose this question ladies & gentlemen... Is this the new and acceptable way to be asked out on a lunch date by someone you just met??

The Guy: "So Chris, where we at after this?"
 Me: "Where we at with what?"
 The Guy: "You know, where we at?"
 Me: (Scrunched up confused face) "Huh?"
 The Guy: "Friday's, Chili's?..."
 Me: (Laughing out loud) "Ohhhh, for lunch!"
 The Guy: (Smiling) "Yeah, where we going?"
 Me: "I'm on a juice fast, can't eat 'til April 11th..."
 The Guy: (Scrunched up confused face) "Oh, okay..."

**End Scene...**

I didn't know until his friend told me later that he'd been waiting for a chance to meet & ask me out, but because of the casual approach, I didn't think much about it when I declined in a casual way.  I tle old fashioned when it comes to dating and would expect that if a man were truly interested in a woman, he wouldn't approach her in such a casual way.  But perhaps the casual approach is the new norm??  So your opinion please...  is this the new way to ask ladies out who you've been wanting to talk to??  Ladies, how would you have responded?

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Every Time We Speak, We Are Prophesying Our Future


This morning FB showed me this picture that I posted exactly 3 years ago today & to my surprise, what I was declaring then are the same things I still declare every day now! My declarations have been:
1. I live in the fullness of God, I don't need for anything, I don't want for anything, nothing is missing, all is well.
2. Every day I increase in favor with both God & man.
3. I walk in freedom for I have devoted myself to God's commandments (Psalms 119:34)
When I look at my ...life I see the results of MY WORDS. Being a single woman supporting herself is not always easy, but for the last 12 years that I've lived in CA, I havent missed a rent payment, a car payment, the lights stay on, hair & nails stay done, insurance & gym memberships stay paid, groceries stay in the fridge. I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten my wallet & still came home with whatever I left the house for ...or when I locked myself out of the car & called AAA (with no AAA membership) and they came to the rescue - & REFUSED to charge me! The list goes on of examples of the favor, provision & freedom I declare I have coming to life. So... seeing how what I say works, I have recently added 2 NEW declarations:
4. I am happily married & my husband is AMAZING!
5. I have multiple streams of income & more clients than I can handle!

Calling those things into existence that are not, as though they were = prophesying my future with my words!